Ben Shneiderman je profesorem na katedře informatiky, ředitelem zakladatelem (1983-2000) Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory a členem Institute for Advanced Computer Studies a Institute for Systems Research, to vše na University of Maryland
Navštěvoval City College of New York B.S., v roce 1968 matematiku a fyziku. poté se přestěhoval na State University of New York a v roce 1972 dokončil MS v informatice a v roce 1973 doktorát.
Weiser, M. and Shneiderman, Ben, Human factors of computer programming, In Handbook of Human Factors (G. Salvendy, Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (1986), 1398-1415, Reprinted in Tutorial on Software Restructuring, (R. Arnold, Editor), IEEE EH0244-4 (1986), 67-81.
b. Články v recenzovaných časopisech
1. Shneiderman, B., Polynomiální vyhledávání, Software: Praxe a zkušenosti 3, 5 (leden – březen 1973), 5-8.
3. Shneiderman, B., A computer graphics system for polynomials, The Mathematics Teacher 67,2 (February 1974), 111-113.
4. Shneiderman, B. a Scheuermann, P., Strukturované datové struktury, Komunikace ACM 17, 10 (říjen 1974), 566-574.
5. Shneiderman, B., A model for optimizing indexed file structures, International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences 3, 1 (March 1974), 93-103.
6. Shneiderman, B., Experimentální testování v programovacích jazycích, Stylistické úvahy a konstrukční techniky, Proc. National Computer Conference, AFIPS Press, Montvale, NJ (1975), 653-656.
7. Shapiro, S. C. and Shneiderman, B., Towards a Theory of Encoded Data Structures and Data Translation, International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences 5, 1 (1976), 33-43 (březen 1976).
8. Shneiderman, B., Exploratory experimenty in programmer behavior, International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences 5, 2 (June 1976), 123-143.
9. Shneiderman, B., A review of design techniques for programs and data, Software: Practice and Experience 5 (1976), 555-567.
10. Goodman, V., Shneiderman, B., Batched search of sequential and tree structured files, ACM Transactions on Database Systems 1, 3 (September 1976), 268-275
11. Zpráva pracovní skupiny pro definici a překlad uložených dat, zvláštní vydání Informačních systémů 2, 3 (1977), 95-148 s 6 dalšími autory.
12. Shneiderman, B., Redukované kombinované indexy pro efektivní vyhledávání více atributů, Informační systémy 2, 4 (1977), 149-154.
13. Shneiderman, B., Design, development and utilization perspectives on database management systems, Information Processing and Management 13, 1 (1977), 23-33.
15. Shneiderman, B., Measuring computer program quality and comprehension, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 9 (1977), 465-478.
16. Shneiderman, B., Jump searching: A fast sequential search technique, Communications of the ACM 21, 10 (October 1978), 831-834.
17. Shneiderman, B., Teaching programming: A spiral approach to syntax and semantics, Computers and Education 1, 3 (1978), 193-197.
18. Brosey, M. K. and Shneiderman, B., Two experimental comparison of relational and hierarchical database models, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 10 (1978), 625-637.
20. Shneiderman, B., Improving the human factors aspect of database interactions, ACM Transactions on Database Systems 4, 3 (December 1978), 417-439. Reprinted in Database Management in the 1980’s, J. Larson and H. A. Freeman, Editors, IEEE EHO 181-8 (1981).
21. Shneiderman, B., Human factors experiments in design interactive systems, IEEE Computer 12, 12 (December 1979), 9-19. Reprinted in Larson, J. A. (Editor), Tutorial: End User Facilities in the 1980 0s, IEEE Computer Society Press (1982), 16-26.
22. Shneiderman, B., Multi-party grammars and related features for defining interactive systems, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics SMC-12, 2 (March-April 1982), 148-154.
23. Shneiderman, B., A note on human factors issues of natural language interaction with database systems, Informační systémy 6, 2 (1981), 125-129.
25. DiPersio, T., Isbister, D., and Shneiderman, B., An experiment using memorization/ reconstruction as a measure of programmer ability, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 13 (1980), 339-354.
26. Shneiderman, B., Hardware options, evaluation metrics, and a design sequence for interactive information systems, Information and Management 3, 1 (1980), 3-18.
27. Shneiderman, B., The future of interactive systems and the emergence of direct manipulation, Behaviour and Information Technology 1, 3 (1982), 237-256. Keynote address – NYU Symposium on User Interfaces – published in Human Factors and Interactive Computer Systems, Y. Vassiliou, Ed., Ablex Publ., Norwood, NJ, (1983).
28. Shneiderman, B., Dokumentace řídicího toku a datové struktury: Dva experimenty, Komunikace ACM 25, 1 (leden 1982), 55-63.
29. Shneiderman, B., Designing computer system messages, Communications of the ACM 25, 9, (September 1982), 610-611. Reprinted by Datapro.
30. Shneiderman, B. and Thomas, G., An architecture for automatic relational database system conversion, ACM Transactions on Database Systems 7, 2 (June 1982), 235-257.
31. Shneiderman, B., The psychology of serving the user community: Management strategies for interactive systems, Journal of Capacity Management 1, 4, (1983), 328-343.
32. Hill, R., Jacob, R., Mah, W., and Shneiderman, B., An empirical comparison of two PLATO text editors, Journal of Computer Based Instruction 10, 1&2 (Summer 1983), 43-50.
33. Sykes, F., Tillman, R., and Shneiderman, B., The effect of scope delimiters on program comprehension, Software: Practice and Experience 13 (1983), 817-824.
34. Miara, R., Navarro, J., Musselman,. J., and Shneiderman, B., Program indentation and comprehensibility, Communications of the ACM 26, 11 (November 1983), 861-867,
36. Powers, M., Lashley, C., Sanchez, P., and Shneiderman, B., An experimental comparison on tabular and graphic data presentation, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 20, 6 (June 1984), 545-566.
37. Shneiderman, B., Response time and display rate in human performance with computers, ACM Computing Surveys 16, 3 (September 1984), 265-285. Reprinted: Japanese review journal BIT, (1986), and Dutch journal Management en Organisatie van Automatiseringsmiddelen 1 (1992).
38. Shneiderman, B., When children learn programming: Antecedents, concepts and outcomes, The Computing Teacher 12, 5 (February 1985), 14-17.
39. Parton, D., Huffman, K., Pridgen, P., Norman, K., and Shneiderman, B., Learning a menu selection tree: Training methods compared, Behaviour and Information Technology 4, 2 (1985), 81-91.
41. Ewing, J., Mehrabanzad, S., Sheck, S. Ostroff, D., and Shneiderman, B., An experimental comparison of a mouse-jump keys for an interactive encyclopedia, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 24, 1 (January 1986), 29-45.
42. Shneiderman, B., Designing menu selection systems, Journal of the American Society for Information Science 37, 2 (March 1986), 57-70.
43. MacArthur, C. and Shneiderman, B., Learning disabled students‘ difficulties in learning to user a word processor: Implications for instruction and software evaluation, Journal of Learning Disabilities 19, 4 (April 1986), 248-253.
45. Shafer, P., Simon, R., Weldon, L., and Shneiderman, B., Display strategies for program browsing: Concepts and experiment, IEEE Software 3, 3 (May 1986), 7-15
46. Blank, D., Murphy, P., and Shneiderman, B., A comparison of children’s reading understanding and reading rates at three text presentation speeds on a CRT, Journal of Computer-Based Instruction 13, 3 (Summer 1986), 84-87
47. Norman, K., Weldon, L., and Shneiderman, B., Cognitive layouts of windows and multiple screens for user interfaces, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 25 (1986), 229-248
48. Laverson, A., Norman, K., and Shneiderman, B., An evaluation of jump-ahead techniques in menu selection, Behaviour and Information Technology 6, 2 (1987), 97-108.
50. Ostroff, D. and Shneiderman, B., Selection devices for users of an electronic encyclopedia: An empirical comparison of four possibilities, Information Processing and Management 24, 6 (1988), 665-680.
54. Shneiderman, B. and Carroll, J., Ecological studies of professional programmers, Communications of the ACM 31, 11 (November 1988), 1256-1258.
55. Potter, R., Berman, M., and Shneiderman, B., An experimental evaluation of three touch screen strategies within a hypertext database, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1, 1 (October 1989), 41-52.
56. Seabrook, R. and Shneiderman, B., The user interface in a hypertext, multi-window browser, Interacting with Computers 1, 3 (1989), 299-337.
57. Furuta, R., Plaisant, C., a Shneiderman, B., Spektrum automatických hypertextových konstrukcí, Hypermédia 1, 2 (1989), 179-195.
59. Shneiderman, B., Future directions for Human-Computer Interaction, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 2, 2 (1990), 41-52.
60. Furuta, R., Plaisant, C., and Shneiderman, B., Automatically transforming regularly structured linear documents into hypertext, Electronic Publishing 2, 4 (1989), 211-229.
62. Faloutsos, C., Lee, R., Plaisant, C., Shneiderman, B., Incorporating string search in a hypertext system: User interface and signature file design issues, Hypermedia (1990), 183-200
63. Jones, T. and Shneiderman, B., Evaluating usability for a training-oriented hypertext: Can hyper-activity be good?, Electronic Publishing 3, 4 (November 1990), 207-225.
64. Botafogo, R., Rivlin, E., and Shneiderman, B., Structural analysis of hypertexts: Identifying hierarchies and useful metrics, ACM Transactions on Information Systems 10, 2 (April 1992), 142-180.
65. Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C., Botafogo, R., Hopkins, D., and Weiland, W., Designing to facilitate browsing: A look back at the Hyperties workstation browser, Hypermedia 3, 2 (1991), 101-117.
66. Shneiderman, B., Tree visualization with tree-maps: A 2-dimensional space filling approach, ACM Transactions on Graphics 11, 1 (January 1992), 92-99.
67. Chimera, R. and Shneiderman, B., An exploratory evaluation of three interfaces for browsing large hierarchical tables of contents, ACM Transactions on Information Systems 12, 4 (October 1994), 383-406.
68. Sears, A., Revis, D., Swatski, J., Crittenden, R., and Shneiderman, B., Investigating touchscreen typing: The effect of keyboard size on typing speed, Behaviour & Information Technology 12, 1 (Jan-Feb 1993), 17-22.
70. Weiland, W. and Shneiderman, B., Grafické dotazové rozhraní založené na hierarchiích agregace/generalizace, Informační systémy 18, 4 (1993), 215-232.
71. Rivlin, E., Botafogo, R., and Shneiderman, B., Navigating in hyperspace: Designs for a structure-based toolbox, Communications of the ACM 37, 2 (Feb. 1994), 87-96.
73. Karl, L., Pettey, M., and Shneiderman, B., Speech versus mouse commands for word processing applications: An empirical evaluation, International Journal for Man-Machine Studies 39, 4 (1993), 667-687.
75. Shneiderman, B. and Lewis, C., Building HCI partnerships and infrastructure, Behaviour & Information Technology 12, 2 (March-April 1993), 130-135.
76. Sears, A. and Shneiderman, B., Split menus: Efektivní využití frekvence výběru pro uspořádání menu, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 1, 1 (1994), 27-51.
77. Shneiderman, B., Dynamic queries for visual information seeking, IEEE Software 11, 6 (1994), 70-77. Reprinted in Card, S., Mackinlay, J, and Shneiderman, B. (Editors), Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA (1999), 236-243.
78. Plaisant, C., Carr, D., and Shneiderman, B., Image-browser taxonomy and guidelines for designers, IEEE Software 12, 2 (March 1995), 21-32.
79. Asahi, T., Turo, D., and Shneiderman, B., Using treemaps to visualize the analytic hierarchy process, Information Systems Research 6, 4 (December 1995), 357-375.
80. Kumar, H., Plaisant, C., and Shneiderman, B., Browsing hierarchical data with multi-level dynamic queries and pruning, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 46, 1 (January 1997), 103-124. Reprinted in Card, S., Mackinlay, J, and Shneiderman, B. (Editors), Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA (1999), 295-305.
81. Plaisant, C., Vanniamparampil, A., Rose, A., and Shneiderman, B., Low-effort high-payoff user interface re-engineering, IEEE Software 14, 4 (July 1997). Reprinted in Japanese, Nikkei Computer Books, October 1998, 130-141.
82. Shneiderman, B., Alavi, M., Norman, K., and Borkowski, E. Y., Windows of opportunity in electronic classrooms, Communications of the ACM 38, 11 (November 1995), 19-24.
83. Preece, J. and Shneiderman, B., Survival of the fitest: The evolution of multimedia user interfaces, ACM Computing Surveys 27, 4 (December 1995), 557-559.
84. Mahajan, R. and Shneiderman, B., Visual and textual consistency checking tools for graphical user interfaces, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 23, 11 (November 1997), 722-735.
86 Kandogan, E. and Shneiderman, B., Elastic Windows: Design, implementation, and evaluation of multi-window operations, Software: Practice & Experience 28, 3 (March 1998), 225-248.
88. Plaisant, C., Shneiderman, B., Doan, K., and Bruns, T., Interface and data architecture for query preview in networked information systems, ACM Trans. on Information Systems, (July 1999), 320-341.
89. Tanin, E., Lotem, A., Haddadin, I., Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C., and Slaughter, L., Evaluation of query previews: User performance and preference, Behaviour & Information Technology 19, 6 (Nov-Dec 2000), 393-403.
90. Shneiderman, B., Relate-Create-Donate: An educational philosophy for the cyber-generation, Computers & Education 31, 1 (1998), 25-39.
91. Shneiderman, B., Codex, memex, genex: The pursuit of transformational technologies, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 10, 2 (1998), 87-106.
93. Plaisant, C., Shneiderman, B., and Mushlin, R., An information architecture to support the vizualization of personal histories, Information Processing and Management 34, 5 (1998), 581-597.
96. Shneiderman, B., Borkowski, E., Alavi, M., and Norman, K., Emergent patterns of teaching/learning in electronic classrooms, Educational Technology Research & Development 46, 4 (1998), 23-42.
97. Zhang, Z., Basili, V., and Shneiderman, B., Perspective-based usability inspection: An empirical validation of efficiency, Empirical Software Engineering 4, 1 (March 1999), 43-69.
98. Shneiderman, B., Creating creativity: User interfaces for support innovation, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 7, 1 (March 2000), 114-138. Reprinted in Carroll, J. M. (Editor), Human-Computer Interaction in the New Millennium, ACM Press, New York (2002), 235-258.
99. Zaphiris, P., Shneiderman, B., and Norman, K.L., Expandable indexes versus sequential menus for search hierarchies on the World Wide Web, Behaviour & Information Technology 21, 3 (May-June 2002), 201-208.
101. * Shneiderman, B., Universal Usability: Pushing human-computer interaction research to empower every citizen, Communications of the ACM 43, 5 (May 2000), 84-91. Reprinted in Bucy, E. P. and Newhagen, J. E. (Editors), Media Access: Social and Psychological Dimensions of New Technology User, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ (2004), 255-266.
102. Hochheiser, H. and Shneiderman, B., Performance benefits of simultaneous over sequential menus as task complexity increases, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 12, 2 (2000), 173-192.
102. Potter, R., Shneiderman, B., and Bederson, B., Pixel data access for graphical macros, CS-TR-4019, UMIACS-TR-99-27, (August 1999, under revision).
103. North, C. and Shneiderman, B., Snap-Together Visualization: Can users construct and operate coordinated views?, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 53, 5 (November 2000), 715-739.
104. Hochheiser, H. and Shneiderman, B., Using interactive visualizations of WWW log data to characterize access patterns and inform site design, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 52, 4 (February 2001), 331-343.
105. Tanin, E., Shneiderman, B., and H. Xie, Exploration of large online data tables using generalized query previews, Information Systems (to appear, 2006).
106. Shneiderman, B. and Hochheiser, H., Universal usability as a stimulus to advanced interface design, Behaviour & Information Technology 20, 5 (Sept-Oct 2001), 367-376.
107. Bederson, B., Shneiderman, B., and Wattenberg, M., Ordered and quantum treemaps: Making effective use of 2D space to display hierarchies, ACM Transactions on Graphics 21, 4 (October 2002), 833-854.
108. Shneiderman, B., Inventing discovery tools: Combining information visualization with data mining, Information Visualization 1, 1 (2002), 5-12. Také vyšlo v Proc. Discovery Science 4th International Conference 2001.
109. Seo, J. and Shneiderman, B., Interactive exploring hierarchical clustering results, IEEE Computer 35, 7 (July 2002), 80-86.
110. Ceaparu, I., Lazar, J., Bessiere, K., Robinson, J., and Shneiderman, B., Determining causes and Severity of end-user frustration, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 17, 3 (2004), 333-356.
111.Bessiere, K., Newhagen, J. E., Robinson, J. P., and Shneiderman, B., A model for computer frustration: The role of instrumental and dispositional factors on incident, session, and post-session frustration and mood, Computer in Human Behavior (2004, online).
112. Golub, E. and Shneiderman, B., Dynamic query visualizations on world wide web clients: A DHTML solution for maps and scattergrams, International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 1, 1 (2003), 63-78.
113. Zhao, H. and Shneiderman, B., Image-based highly interactive Web mapping for geo-reference data publishing, International Journal of Geographic Information Systems 19, 4 (2005), 413-428.
116. * Shneiderman, B., Why not make user interfaces better than 3D reality? IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 23, 6 (listopad/prosinec 2003), 12-15. Reprinted in Damasio, M. J. (Editor), New Media Production Issues and Strategies, Universidade Lusofona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal (2005), English 12-19, Portuguese 176-183.
117. Ceaparu, I. and Shneiderman, B., Finding governmental statistical data on the web: A study of categorically-organized links for the FedStats Topics page, Journal of the American Society of Information Science & Technology 55, 11 (2004), 1008-1015.
118. Hochheiser, H. and Shneiderman, B., Dynamic query tools for time series data sets, Timebox widgets for interactive exploration, Information Visualization 3, 1 (March 2004), 1-18.
120. Kules, B., Kang, H., Plaisant, C., Rose, A., and Shneiderman, B., Immediate usability: a case study of public access design for a community photo library, Interacting with Computers 16, 6 (2004), 1171-1193.
121. Zhao, H., Smith, B. K., Norman, K., Plaisant, C., and Shneiderman, B., Interactive sonification of choropleth maps: Design and evaluation, IEEE Multimedia 12, 2 (duben-červen 2005), 26-35.
122. Kang, H. and Shneiderman, B., Personal media exploration: A spatial interface to user-designed semantic regions, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (to appear 2006).
123. Seo, J. and Shneiderman, B., A rank-by-feature framework for interactive exploration of multidimensional data, Information Visualization 4, 2 (June 2005), 99-113.
124. Lazar, J., Jones, A., and Shneiderman, B., Workplace user frustration with computers: An exploratory investigation of the causes and Severity, Behaviour & Information Technology 25, 3 (May-June 2006), 239-251.
125. Lazar, J., Jones, A., Hackley, M., and Shneiderman, B., Severity and impact of computer user frustration: A comparison of student and workplace users, Interacting with Computers 18, 2 (2006), 187-207.
127.Shmueli, G., Jank, W., Aris, A., Plaisant, C., and Shneiderman, B., Exploring auction databases through interactive visualization, Decision Support Systems (2006, to appear). Online březen 2006: doi:10.1016/j.dss.2006.01.001
128. Seo, J. and Shneiderman, B., Knowledge discovery in high dimensional data: Case studies and a user survey for the rank-by-feature framework, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 12, 3 (May/June, 2006), 311-322.
129. Perer, A., Oard, D., and Shneiderman, B., Using rhythms of relationships to understand email archives, Journal of the American Society of Information Science & Technology (to appear 2006).
131.Shneiderman, B., Fischer, G., Czerwinski, M., Resnick, M., Myers, B. and 13 others, Creativity Support Tools: Report From A U.S. National Science Foundation Sponsored Workshop, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 20, 2 (2006), 61–77
[Ben Shneidermans webové stránky na University of Maryland]